Mimosas sponsored by Blue Ribbon Home Warranty
Featured Speakers:
Mary Lou Makepeace
During her time in office, city council passed several noteworthy measures, including domestic partner health benefits, support for America the Beautiful Park and downtown development, and much more. She started her career in Colorado Springs helping victims of child abuse and went on to serve in many roles where her trademark became assisting and including others in countless ways.
Shelley Jensen
She co-founded, BRIDGES, a youth leadership program that works with the community to solve problems within schools and was also the co-founder of the Pikes Peak Lacrosse Association. Today, she is the Founder & CEO of We Fortify, a non-profit that exists to pivot people out of poverty and into a state of economic and emotional stability and social connectedness. We Fortify does this by implementing four integrated strategies within a centralized environment; safe dignified housing within a small supportive community, consistent individualized trauma-responsive therapies, life skills education and living wage training and career placement.
Information for the first development, Working Fusion at Mill Street, can be found at workingfusion.com
Tami Urbanek
I spent over 12 years working in public and private education and I earned three college degrees from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. BA in Psychology, MA in Special Education, and MA in Public Administration-Nonprofit Management.
Tami is certified in A.S.I.S.T. – Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, SafeTalk, and Mental Health First Aid (for youth and adults). She currently leads the teen peer groups with topics on self-respect, effective communication, responding vs. reacting, self-accountability, friendships and individuality.
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Address:430 N Tejon St. #101Colorado Springs, CO 80903